A vital part of any business education: Golf

My family joke with me that I only go to school at country clubs. When you compare the British institutes that they attended (think Victorian facades with a lot of 1960s cement blocks behind it), yes, my schools here in the States probably look idyllic with their rolling lawns, beautifully preserved academic buildings and students lounging around on the quad talking philosophy (not my fault I always pick the good looking ones). 

So it's not going to help when I tell them about the GWIB's (Graduate Women in Business) Golf Clinic I went to last week to get ready for the golf tournament!

I feel like I'm walking into an MBA joke when I say that there is many a social event at Darden involving golfing. But because of that, I thought it wouldn't hurt to attend a golfing clinic while I'm here! 

Practicing driving (the driving? swinging? long range?) 
Serious concentration from Ali. Serious posing from Nicole
A respectable golf shot (PUN TOTALLY INTENDED)

So obviously I'm a pro now and will be storming the golf course next week. 


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I was originally born outside London but spent much of my childhood in Seattle. Most recently I was working for News UK (News International) in London in strategy and insight. I now find myself at Darden pursuing my MBA and hope to use the knowledge gained to start my own consumer goods business. In the mean time, you'll find me trying all the restaurants in Charlottesville, running the streets around town or convincing friends to have an early afternoon drink.